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AA -  Tuesdays at 7 PM
Contact the church office for more information.​

Bible Study/Adult Education - Tuesdays at 7 PM on Zoom
Pastor Courtney leads this Bible Study and focuses on seasonal topics or themes.
Contact Pastor Courtney if you want to join. 


February 25 - Created To Be Disciples Part 2: Matthew 28:16-20

March 4 - Lent Week 1: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10

March 11 - Lent Week 2: Luke 4:1-14

March 18 - Lent Week 3: Luke 13:31-35

March 25 - Lent Week 4: Isaiah 55:1-12

April 1 - Lent Week 5: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

April 8 - Lent Week 6: John 12:1-8

April 15 - Lent Week 7: Luke 19:28-40​

April 22 - No Bible Study

Coffee & Theology - Once a Month TBD
This group picks monthly topics such as souls, time, and death. The group determines meeting times. You do not need to be a scholar to participate.
Contact Pastor Courtney if you want to join.

Choir - Wednesdays at 5 PM 
All voices are welcome to join us! Please contact Terry Williams to get involved!​

Coffee Host, Reader/Worship Assistant, Usher - Sunday Worship at 10 AM

Council - 3rd Thursday of every month at 3 PM

Council meetings are open to all!
Contact Pastor Courtney if you want to join the council or attend a meeting.

Norwegian Language Class - Mondays at 11:30 AM

PB&J Sandwiches for the Unhoused - 1st Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM

Primetimers - 2nd Thursday of every month at Noon

Join us for our monthly meal! All are invited.


Senior Support Group - After Primetimers

Offer support and a listening ear to other seniors as you receive care.

Quilting  - Mondays at 9:30 AM
You do not need to be a quilter to participate! You can choose the colors or pattern for the quilts! Contact the church office for more information.​

Other Organizations We Support
Sierra Pacific Synod
ELCA World Hunger
Lutheran Disaster Response

San Francisco Night Ministry
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
Samaritan House
Faith in Action Bay Area

Lutheran World Relief

5 Members of Council - Dan, De, Gary, Ken, and Pat - All 5 people are smiling, standing up, and looking at the camera
Pastor Courtney is wearing a mask, a rainbow stole, and reading off a white binder in front of a baptismal font and a candle in the sanctuary
5 women are holding up a rainbow quilt. All of the women are smiling, standing, and looking at the camera.

We are a community of faith gathered to support one another, reach out to the community, and experience life together on our journey with God. 

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1835 Valota Road

Redwood City, CA 94061


Office Hours:

Monday 9 A - 1 P

Wednesday 9 A - 12 P

Thursday 9 A - 1 P


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